Keywords: sales policy, agricultural enterprises, marketing activity, marketing management, marketing system, sales channels, sales, marketing service


The article provides an essential description of the sales policy and marketing system, outlines the problems of modern agrarian enterprises, presents the sequence and methods of analyzing the effectiveness of sales. In the practical part, a diagnosis of the economic and sales activity of agricultural enterprises was carried out, and a number of proposals regarding the organization of sales policy and improvement of marketing activities were also formed. A modern marketing system of an enterprise must work out all aspects of production and sales activities and management levels at various stages of its functioning. Achieving effectiveness in marketing requires significant effort, professional knowledge and initiative, which are inevitably associated with certain risks. Avoiding risks is impossible, and successful functioning in business is impossible without the development of an effective model of marketing management of the enterprise. The basis of the marketing system is the synchronization of management of the elements of the marketing complex so that each of them, fulfilling its functional purpose, increases the efficiency of other elements, thereby contributing to the increase of the synergistic effect. It has been established that sales is characterized by a set of organizational and management decisions to create demand and stimulate sales in order to best meet the needs of customers in conditions of uncertainty of external and internal factors for the supplier and the consumer. Accordingly, in order to form a sales system, the manufacturer must focus on the consumer and develop a system that best suits him. The sales policy of the enterprise should be built in such a way as to provide the company with the best competitive position on the market at the optimal cost. The increasing level of competition in the modern market leads to the fact that companies have to solve four main sales problems with the help of their own sales policy: product marketing system; the structure of the commodity system; systematic approach.


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How to Cite
Bahorka, M., Abramovych, I., & Kravets, O. (2024). ORGANIZATION OF SALES POLICY IN THE MARKETING SYSTEM OF AN AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (30), 59-65.