Keywords: tourism, influencing factors, tourism development, seasonality, centrism factor, tourism industry


The article analyzes scientists' scientific approaches to identifying classification features and the division of factors influencing the development of the tourism industry by types. Adhering to the principles of complexity and systematicity, taking into account the fact that the tourism industry is a dynamic system that needs to take into account modern trends in the development of tourism, the authors highlighted the specifics of the division of factors according to the following classification features: according to the scale of the tourist market, according to the direction, results, nature, and degree of influence, from the point of view of the impact on tourist activity, on the impact on the territorial organization, on the occurrence and satisfaction of recreational needs, on the scale, repetition, and duration of the impact, on the possibility of happening. It was found that most often in the sources, scientists analyze the factors influencing tourism development by content. It is proposed to single out the following groups of elements controlling the development of the tourism industry by range: economic, political-legal, socio-demographic, scientific-technical, historical-cultural, natural-climatic, and material-technological. The tourism industry is an open system, the elements of which are in constant interaction with the environment. Since the effectiveness of the tourist market functioning mechanism depends on the collaborative work of all structural elements, which are interconnected, then, according to the proposed groups, the constituent parts are given, which are the main determinants of the probability and strength of the influence of one or another factor. A systematized typology of factors will make it possible to conduct statistical research and analyze the development of the tourist market, identify trends and the nature of the activities of the subjects of tourist activity, form promising directions for the development of tourist destinations, etc. Emphasis is placed on the seasonality factor, which significantly affects tourism development and the administrative-territorial aspect of centrism.


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How to Cite
Kulyniak, I., & Bondarenko, Y. (2022). TYPOLOGY OF FACTORS INFLUENCING THE TOURISM INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (25), 21-27. https://doi.org/10.32782/2415-3583/25.3
Economics and national economy management