Keywords: reengineering, business processes, effective management, performance indicators, innovation


In management, there are many management approaches that can improve the efficiency of the enterprise. At the same time, the priority of enterprise development is the implementation of innovative activities. To succeed in this area, companies are changing management approaches, organizational structures and business models. However, in the conditions of constant aggravation of competition, achievement of high indicators of activity of the enterprise is best provided at the expense of reengineering of business processes. The innovation of reengineering is that it combines the use of the prerogatives of computer technology, human resource management technology and business process change. In the current economic conditions, the speed of reaction of all subsystems of the enterprise and the efficiency of operations are of particular importance and are a necessary condition for its effective operation in conditions of constant competition. In this situation, reengineering is the most effective, because it helps to increase the efficiency of the enterprise by changing the business model it uses. Thus, the study of reengineering procedures, its principles and objectives is relevant today. The purpose of the study was to generalize theoretical approaches to the basic principles, types and objectives of business process reengineering as a tool for effective enterprise management. The methodological basis of the study was the work of domestic and foreign scientists on the problems of reengineering and change management. Business process reengineering is a thorough rethinking and radical redesign of business processes of companies that want to significantly improve their performance. It is used in cases when it is necessary to make an informed decision on the reorganization of activities: radical transformations, business restructuring, replacement of existing management structures with new ones, etc. Through the effective use of business process reengineering tools can make the company more flexible to changes in the environment and more resilient in a competitive environment. Thus, business process reengineering involves a decisive, radical restructuring of business processes and the foundations of management to significantly increase the competitiveness of the enterprise in the market and significantly increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole system.


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How to Cite
Zaika, S., Kharchevnikova, L., & ZaikaО. (2021). REENGINEERING OF BUSINESS PROCESSES AS A TOOL OF EFFECTIVE ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (21), 49-54.
Economics and business management