Keywords: marketing, innovation, innovative marketing, management, enterprise


The article aims to identify the main components of the concept of innovative marketing in the enterprise. In a pandemic, business structures need constant the competitive positions in domestic and foreign markets, but unsatisfactory financial status, low level of development of used management systems the led to impossibility of practically implementing innovative ideas. Ways of solving this problem for enterprises can lie at the intersection of marketing and innovation activities. Implementation of marketing instruments with the appropriate management strategies can allow increasing innovation efficiency and sustainability of enterprises. Nowadays, innovation has been more important for increasing competitiveness enterprises. It is the definition of the mechanism of the combination marketing and innovation activities involves the concept of innovative marketing. Innovative marketing thus combines the two concepts which involve the invention and implementation of new marketing methods to promote a new product or service in an unconventional way. Innovative marketing concept is all about conducting market research into customer needs, behaviors and trends, develop a prototype or changes within product designing, launching a new product in a unique place, pricing the product in a unique way, promoting products in an unconventional way. Formation of the concept of innovative marketing in the enterprise management system, influenced by such factors: the development of demand and offers in a specific market segment; the features of competition in a market. So, instability in the economy, which is accompanied by increased competition in the market, requires enterprises to develop and implement new management mechanisms. It is advisable to focus the developed mechanisms on the use of innovative tools that are based on the principles of marketing. Thus, the effectiveness of the innovation process in the enterprise management system depends on the effectiveness of the use of the principles of marketing and its tools, both for each innovation cycle and for the entire process as a whole. The advantage of developing innovative products, the introduction of innovative marketing is to minimize additional investments, subject to effective management and implementation of management and planning methods that dictate the modern realities of doing business.


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How to Cite
Savchenko, S., Abliazova, N., & Sukach, O. (2021). INNOVATIVE MARKETING IN THE COMPANY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (17), 46-49.
Economics and business management