Keywords: business ethics, professional ethics, entrepreneurship, personal norms of behavior, responsibility, social responsibility of management staff, corporate social responsibility, code of ethics, ethical norms


Business ethics as a variety of professional ethics is a complex and generalizing concept that refers to the various types of professional activities for which their ethical and moral norms and rules are developed in the form of ethical forms of codes of entrepreneurs. The issue of population stratification, the polarization of its wealth in the context of globalization, viral pandemics, local military conflicts and the accompanying funding of volunteer movements and economic assistance to underdeveloped countries, require additional coverage. In accordance with the goal, the following research objectives are defined: - to determine the theoretical foundations of business ethics and organization of the system of social responsibility of entrepreneurs; - to reveal the essence of key definitions of research (its conceptual apparatus); - to establish features of introduction of system of social responsibility of business; - to study the current state of development of business ethics and management in Ukraine. Business ethics requires a culture of business partnership a partnership based on trust, integrity, honesty, a sense of duty, in the ability to keep the word. The parties must avoid in business relations breach of obligations, fraud, irresponsibility, fraud, abuse of trust of the partner, not to infringe on the rights of other market participants. One of the forms of legal and moral support of social activity of the individual is the responsibility for inaction. Some leaders use group decision-making to avoid responsibility or to share it with group members. Therefore, it is very important in management practice to establish the personal responsibility of managers for making (not taking) a certain decision. Awareness of responsibility is, first of all, a reflection in the subject of being a social necessity, ie understanding the content of actions and consequences. Responsibility is considered the most important property of the individual. When it comes to the adoption of social norms of behavior, it is usually about social responsibility of the individual. Its peculiarity is that its object is social norms and role functions. The subject of control can be both the person himself and its social environment. Responsible personality behavior is related to situational, cognitive factors. Social responsibility of businessmen and managers (hired managers) may conflict with legal responsibility.


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Economics and business management