Keywords: innovation of world economies, Global Innovation Index, knowledge economy, information society, robotics, artificial intelligence


The article is devoted to the role of rating agencies in assessing the innovative development of the world. This methodology takes into account the innovative potential, the results of innovation, groups countries into innovation leaders, strong, moderate and slow innovators. There is a gradual shift of the "center" of innovation to the East, the Asian Tigers (Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea and Taiwan) are strengthening their positions, they are emphasizing the development of science and technology. The well-being of the state is achieved on the basis of innovative development, strengthens the economic potential of the country, improves the welfare of the population, the level and quality of life, strengthens the political, economic and social security of the state. The application of a combined approach in assessing the innovative development of Ukraine will allow to intensify the state policy of financing scientific and research projects, to find priority areas of scientific and technological development of the country. In 2020, Ukraine faced a coronavirus pandemic, which gave impetus to the intensification of innovation in the private and public sectors of the economy. In the future, Ukraine can choose two paths of development: evolutionary or forced. The evolutionary path of development presupposes inefficient activity on the part of the government, intensification of labor migration and brain drain, loss of competitive position in world markets. The forced model transforms the Ukrainian economy into an innovative one in 5 years, the country will become a European leader in the field of technology innovation, will become an intellectual hub, where the most attractive conditions for business development will be created. Positioning Ukraine as an innovative country will accelerate EU integration and ensure access to the world market. Ukraine should start the transformation in the political-legal and socio-economic spheres, start the program of attracting international experts to develop and finance a new strategy of innovative development, stimulate scientific and technical (experimental) developments, encourage small and medium business to participate in research projects through application of tax levers to stimulate business development.


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How to Cite
Kyrylenko, V., & Chaliuk, Y. (2020). INNOVATION OF WORLD ECONOMIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (15), 7-14.
World economy and international economic relations