• Vira Kmit Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Yaryna Bavdyk Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Keywords: taxes, tax system, tax burden, fiscal policy, working capital, , financial result of the enterprise


Working capital contributes to the creation of a new product and the development of economic activity of individual enterprises. In turn, this works as a catalyst for market development and economic growth in general. Mentioned above is the main confirmation that government policy and the tax burden have a significant impact not only on the formation and use of enterprises working capital, but also on their financial results, their operation and development. The main goal of the article is to find out more about the impact of taxes on the enterprises working capital and to develop on this basis recommendations. Despite a huge number of studies and numerous publications, not all aspects of the taxes impact on businesses have been studied, as well as some issues relevant to Ukraine in today’s realities remain unresolved. For example, there are no generally accepted methodological approaches to calculating the tax rate in Ukraine, as a result of which scientists operate with different indicators, which leads to contradictory conclusions, and thus complicates the adoption of scientifically sound management decisions and effective tax policy. Assessment of the impact of the tax burden on the financial and economic activities of enterprises will allow forming recommendations for optimizing the tax burden as one of the main ways to improve the financial condition of the enterprise. Some aspects of the national taxes impact on working capital of Ukrainian enterprises are examined. Ways of the working capital of individual enterprises improvement in order to improve the domestic business environment in general are identified, as well as ways to increase working capital by domestic businesses. Based on the mentioned above, there are some ways to optimize the tax burden and incentives for businesses to direct the profits of enterprises to the growth of working capital and its structuring. The implementation of these proposals will contribute to the capitalization of financial resources for further growth of working capital of Ukraine, high efficiency of corporate finance, the growth of positive results.


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How to Cite
Kmit, V., & Bavdyk, Y. (2020). THE TAXES INFLUENCE ON WORKING CAPITAL. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (12), 183-187.
Money, finance and credit