Keywords: decentralization, budget, local government, region


Decentralization is primarily a reorganization of state power, which takes place in the transfer of significant powers and resources from state bodies to local self-government bodies. The main goal of decentralization remains to ensure the balance of powers and responsibilities with the necessary resources to meet the needs of citizens. Financial decentralization aims to expand the rights and capabilities of local governments to use funds, forecast and approve regional budgets. Peculiarities and mechanisms of decentralization in the European countries and coverage of their main achievements and problems in the reform processes are studied. The main aspects of the division of powers in the European countries are highlighted. The experience of foreign countries is considered, which shows ways to ac-cumulate funds in local budgets and improve the quality of life of citizens, as well as to evenly burden the regions according to their capabilities. Particular attention should be paid to the experience of decentralization in the countries that were part of the Soviet Union. The relevance of this lies in the similarity of conditions in these countries and the Ukrainian ones. That is, it can be a good example for Ukraine to avoid certain mistakes. Peculiarities and mechanisms of decentralization in the European countries, in particular, the experience of Italy, Poland, Romania and Latvia, are studied. Features of the introduction of decentralization in different countries makes it clear that the experience of each of them is quite individual. Each country under study has undergone a number of transformations on the way to the developed state in which it is today. The experience of Poland is the most interesting for Ukraine. Budget decentralization in Poland has been the final reform after changes in local self-government and administrative-territorial organization. The main directions for bringing decentralization reforms in Ukraine are highlighted. The most important thing is budget decentralization, which should reduce the role of the state in financing the development of communities and regions while creating opportunities to strengthen the autonomy of local budgets. The result of the reform should be the building of a developed, strong and democratic state that will not scatter its resources, this will allow local authorities to decide and direct resources to solve their problems.


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How to Cite
Lyvdar, M., Fedevych , L., & Kornachuk, O. (2020). EXPERIENCE OF THE DECENTRALIZATION PROCESS IN THE EU-ROPEAN COUNTRIES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (11-2), 112-117. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/11.36
Money, finance and credit