• Yuriy Robul Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University
Keywords: marketing, innovations, product, marketing system, marketing-management, marketing goals


The article is devoted to the analysis of the objectives of the marketing policy of a commercial organisation, depending on the state of the marketing system as function of production, implementation and further development of innovations. Marketing goal setting is a link that connects, on the one hand, the macro-level, represented by the marketing system of higher level of aggregation, and on the other, the micro-level, marketing management at the individual level of a firm. At the same time, proper goal setting provides a link between production of innovation and marketing policy and goals. However, theoretical links between innovations and marketing has not yet been properly studied. At the same time marketing goal setting currently poses many confusions, sometimes leading to apparent disruption in marketing processes and policy disguised by wording about “death of marketing as we knew it”. Based on the concept of market as a network interaction, concept of marketing system, as a medium for marketing policy, embracing innovations and marketing and linking both of them to economic growth and social development, and concept of multi-level product as a framework for categorising of innovations related to marketing, it is proposed to systematise marketing goals depending on the dynamic state of the marketing system, due to the ratio of supply and demand and the level of innovation, related to customer value. Marketing system concept is central to the entire construct since it permits to break with traditional marketing management mantra of maximising profit as a universal, imminent and unchanged marketing goal. Proposed systematisation shapes a continuum of goals, comprising paradigms from seller to buyer markets, including creation of intangible assets and reputation. Obtained results are of a bespoken importance for marketing planning and development of marketing key performance indicators (KPI). The article shows the bilateral triple connection between entrepreneurship, innovation and marketing in which a feedback provides for further development of innovations with information procurement and processing, and return of sales.


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How to Cite
Robul, Y. (2019). DYNAMICS OF MARKETING SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT, INNOVATIONS AND GOALS OF MARKETING. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (9), 43-48. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/9.6
Economics and national economy management