Keywords: safety of energy interests, safety of material and raw material interests, , safety of technical and technological interests, profit


It was revealed that the approach to assessing the safety level of the economic and production interests of the enterprise, which would be based on the determination of a single-valued indicator for all its components, has remained insufficiently developed. It has been determined that as such an indicator it is advisable to assess the amount of the shortfall in profit before tax (EBT) that the company receives if the relevant safety indicators do not achieve their fixed values. The proposed conceptual approach was developed taking into account the differentiation in the security structure of economic and production interests of such components as: the safety of technical and technological interests, the safety of energy interests and the safety of material and raw material interests of the enterprise. The listed components, in turn, are also divided into separate subspecies. The basis of this division is the principle of the enterprise’s need for the security of providing the necessary resources and the security of their efficient use. A fundamentally new approach, which allows assessing the level of security of security at a higher level, is to take into account the influence of the coefficients of correspondence of actual volumes of supply of resources (energy and raw materials) in monetary terms to the volumes declared in the concluded contracts on the amount of shortage of EBT. The improved methodology provides a direct account and a fairly transparent integration of the sums of shortcomings of the EBT obtained for all subspecies of this security, located at different levels of its hierarchy by the worst-case method: evaluating each next type of security located at a higher level of the hierarchy of security of economic and production interests, it is envisaged to select the maximum the magnitude of the lack of EBT. It is shown that in some cases, the resulting amount of shortage of EBT must be reduced by the amount associated with obtaining additional profit from the sale of assets not involved in the main production. This makes it a convenient and effective tool for making managerial decisions aimed not only at ensuring economic security, but also generally improving the efficiency of the enterprise’s production activities.


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Theoretical and empirical research