Keywords: law, cluster, industrial park, quasi-integration, structure, machine building, enterprise


The article presents an expanded analysis of the legislation of Ukraine on business associations. It is established that one of the most serious problems of the domestic industrial economy is the identification of any quasi-integration structures and in particular the machine-building ones. This is primarily due to the lack of legislation to establish institutions supporting various types of quasi-integration structures. Laws regulating the status of clusters, alliances, networks, virtual organizations, etc. and the relationship of their members have not been adopted. The purpose of the article is to study the development of machine-building quasi-integration structures under the conditions of the legislation of Ukraine. Legislative documents focusing on creating clusters had studied. The Law of Ukraine “On Industrial Parks” is explained and it is established that Ukraine has one of the lowest numbers of open industrial parks in the world. The need to create quasi-integration structures, in particular on the basis of domestic machine-building enterprises, has been actualized. An attempt is made to identify existing machine-building quasi-integration structures in Ukraine. It is established that the existing quasi-integration structures operate in the form of eleven clusters, namely: public union "Ukrainian Aerospace Cluster" (Dnipro), aerospace cluster "Mechatronics" (Kharkiv), industrial park "Vinnytsia Refrigeration Cluster", Science Park corporation "Innovation and Investment Cluster of Ternopil", aviation cluster of the corporation "Ukrainian Aircraft Company" of the State Concern "Ukroboronprom", cluster of radar, radio communication and special instrumentation of the State Concern "Ukroboronprom", Cluster of high-precision armaments Ukroboronprom, Mykolayiv Shipbuilding Cluster, Transcarpathian Automobile Building Cluster (Uzhhorod), AgroBUM Machine Building Cluster (Melitopol). The characteristics of Ukrainian machine-building clusters are given, their participants are established. The preconditions of formation and the main purposes of machine - building clusters are investigated. The initiations of the Association of Industrial Automation Enterprises of Ukraine in the direction of cluster formation in the field of machine-building industry are considered.


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How to Cite
Zhygalkevych, Z. (2020). LEGISLATIVE CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF DOMESTIC MACHINE-BUILDING QUASI-INTEGRATION STRUCTURES. Entrepreneurship and Innovation, (14), 32-37. https://doi.org/10.37320/2415-3583/14.6
Economics and business management