• Elvira Danilova National Aviation University
Keywords: principles, evaluation, economic security, concept of economic security.


In the system of economic security management, the assessment of its condition and risks, as sources of influence on its changes, forms a fundamental basis for making informed and objective management decisions. The aim of the article is to develop conceptual approach to the evaluation of enterprise’s economic security that unlike existing approaches is based on: 1) identification of 3 components of economic security, particularly economic security of usage of potential, economic security of relation system with all interested parties and economic security of operational environment; 2)identification of objects of evaluation in every component; 3) choice of approach to the evaluation of components’ objects; 4) ensuring compliance of tasks with a method of evaluation. The proposed conceptual approach ensures the management system with the information about possible directions for managing economic security on the basis of calculation of consistency of actual and perfect indicators of economic security level. Implementation of the proposed conceptual model of evaluation of enterprise’s economic security forms a practical tool for the evaluation of three levels of hazards and risks: risks that caused by the results of use of resources, risks that are caused by implementation of relation system (risks incur during the exercise of functions), risks that do not depend on the results of operations of an enterprise (external and internal uncontrolled risks). Objects and aim of evaluation in accordance with the essence of “economic security” concepts are generalized. The substance of principles of evaluation of enterprise’s economic security is formed and given. The tasks of evaluation of economic security and the components of economic security are determined. The proposed concept of economic security assessment is based on the evaluation of three components of economic security: use of potential (resources), implementation of relationships that arise in the implementation of functions, and conditions of activity that change under the influence of activity risks.


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Theoretical and empirical research