• Danilova Elvira National Aviation University
Keywords: methodology of evaluation, economic security, evaluation approach, the level of economic security, evaluation criteria


The characteristics of the modern external environment are instability and uncertainty of influence, which creates dangers and risks for the activity of enterprises. Increase in activity and increase of intensity of their influence causes necessity of management of economic safety of the enterprises. The aim of the article is to generalize methodical tools of evaluation of enterprises’ economic security, to compare them and to show consistencies between tasks and existing methods of evaluation of the level of enterprises’ economic security. Methods, conceptual approaches and evaluation criteria are generalized on the basis of existing methodology analysis that was given in scientific economic literature for the evaluation of enterprises’ economic security. The combination of the identified economic security objects and the methods of their evaluation allowed to conduct systematization of existing methodological instruments and to show consistencies of methodologies for implementation of evaluation tasks. Comparative analysis of existing methods of evaluation of enterprises’ economic security and compliance of these methods with the tasks of evaluation allowed to draw a conclusion that there is a necessity to develop integrated approach for the evaluation of economic security, that would offer the possibility of thorough evaluation of security of usage of enterprise’s economic potential, security of economic interests and operational environment as components of economic security system. The systemic nature of economic security and the complexity of the interconnections in the system necessitate the assessment of economic security on the basis of the use of a set of methods that realize the defined objectives of the assessment. Methodical approach to the assessment of the economic security of the enterprise should be complex and formed on the basis of a combination of methods of assessing its separate components (potential use, relations, and conditions of activity).


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Theoretical and empirical research